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Tree Farmer Alert  
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Over 800 readers and growing!

Elk Fire Community Meeting

Thursday December 5th, 2019

contributed by
Daniel Bowker
Forest and Fire Project Manager

Please join the Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed at a meeting to discuss the Elkhorn Unit 4 prescribed fire and the subsequent Elk Fire. Representatives from The Nature Conservancy, the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office and Office of Emergency Management, Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control, Larimer Emergency Telephone Authority, the USFS, and other partners will be present.

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contributed by
Jon Bell
Forest Contractor


I recently viewed a well-done program on Nova/PBS about the California fire at Paradise, and by extension all modern fires. One part was about fire behavior and another part was about forest management. The title is “Inside the Megafire”. Jon Bell

see video: “Inside the Megafire”


Helping to bring a forest back to life

contributed by
Mike Hughes
Colorado State Forest Service


Here is an interesting article about Ponderosa Pine in New Mexico, but the same can be said for Colorado.  This past year, Ponderosa Pines produced a lot of cones throughout Colorado.

Michael M. Hughes
Fort Collins Field Office, NE Area
Colorado State Forest Service

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A race against time

contributed by
Steve Goodroad
Tree Farmer


For 13 years Boulder County Parks and Open Space has worked to restore the 15,000 acres of forest it manages to presettlement levels by using prescribed burns to thin overcrowded stands of trees and clear out underbrush.

However, even if Parks and Open Space was allocated additional funds to expand its operations, ensuring comprehensive coverage would be nearly impossible with the vast majority of forests located on state, federal, and private property.

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Multistrata agroforestry

contributed by
Steve Goodroad
Tree Farmer


Multistrata agroforestry takes its cues from the defining feature of forests: layers. Blending an overstory of taller trees and an understory of one or more layers of crops, multistrata agroforestry maximizes both horizontal and vertical space.

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Huge RFP to bring industry, innovation to thin Arizona forests

contributed by
Daniel Bowker
Forest and Fire Project Manager

This is encouraging. Something similar in Colorado could turn the grant funding model upside down around here.

The United States Forest Service has issued one of the largest RFPs in the history of the agency to carry out an ambitious plan to attract and scale forest-thinning industries in Northern Arizona. 

“This is one of the largest – if not the largest – stewardship contract we’ve ever offered and it’s the first 20-year contract we’ve offered,” said Cal Joyner, Regional Forester for the Southwest for the Forest Service. 


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New gel could fireproof forests for weeks at a time

contributed by
Happystumpy at NWOA


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